Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 3 - Mobile Mechanic Bike Clinic

what a day.  im happy to report that the event was a total success.  a lot of people came out to get some tune ups and support rollin for the colon. it all started last night with the weekly bike game session called wheeler wednesday, outside the stadium. the party eventually moved to a bar in college station where i finally met master bike coordinator extraordinaire karen. she helped me pick the spot before i got there, and even brought me a poster advertising the service.  it was leftover from a maroon bike project event she had helped with.  there were tons of other supportive people, lots of who came out today also.  im pretty sure that some donations today were won in karaoke last night.  

the weather was glorious and i got to sbisa at right 10am.  i was lucky enough to borrow a table and a chair from a nearby operation hawking their upcoming improv show.  kevin, who i met yesterday night, showed up shortly after me. he really helped out ton and even brought tools and a floor pump. he stayed all day to fix bikes, which was super helpful when there were multiple people waiting!  people came in waves, but i would guess we probably had 50 or so stop by.  i did two singlespeed conversions, lots of brakes and derailleurs, some wheel truing, 1 set of disc breaks and lots of other stuff.  i handed out lots of flyers, and people were really into supporting jake.  they were happy to give what they could and were grateful for the tuneups.

i finished up around 4:30 and headed over to aggieland cycling and met up with ali, my good friend from austin.  he was in college station for business, but mostly came to drop me some new bike shoes. i had ordered them from him long ago but they didnt arrive until the day after i left.  we hung out and went to eat vietnamese food with my volunteer kevin and andrew from the bike shop.  it was good to see a familiar face, but he was driving back to austin tonight and it made me feel like i hadnt gone very far.  even though college station was fun ill be glad to hit the road tomorrow, and meet up with my host in new waverly.      

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